Major changes
It always funny how your interests and own life seem to change when you do. If my own life, I've changed my own plan from going to TAFE and holding a new job to doing just a job and saying 'I can learn another day, lets build a base instead'. Some of my other interests have changeds as well, SG Universe, my favourite sci-fi show has changed quite abit this year, from a changed format of movie based series and the changing of several characters in the stargate altantis. For those not in the know, they are reducing the role of Weir recurring character and are getting rid of Carson. While this may seem trival to many it changes the whole run of the show, from a more Jane Way approuch to atlantis, always sticking to a moral high ground (at least when Sheppard does something) to whom knows what. Its just every interesting that this year has seen so much change. Heres another motivational posters that I've been lacking to put into my usual rantings *cough* post *cough*