Saturday, December 16, 2006

Hmmm Moon Base

I was reading on digg today that NASA is planning a moon base by 2024, but not only that but to mine the moon for helium-3. Now this may mean not much to everyone, but besides making your voice sound like the chip monks it is an alternative fuel for the use of nuclear fusion. Helium-3 is not abundant on Earth, the only way to create it is to split lithitium to create Helium isotopes. I'm quite a fan of nuclear fusion, it offers an energy source that has little impact upon the environment. However the worrying factor of the article is the race for the moon to harvest this abundant fuel on the moon. You'd think that countries would be more actually agree on something that isn't owned by anyone yet, specially when we were able to agree not to weaponise space. Then again where there is something of value human will generally do anything to secure it and benefit from it. Perphaps Google could buy it, it seems to be buying anything of future value *cough* youtube *cough*, hmmm Google Moon, seems to have a ring to it.


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